Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Happy 2nd Birthday

Johnny is such an old soul. He has this charm about him that you can't resist.  His presence is beautiful. He is witty and sweet. I am so proud to call him mine.

Heres some tiny bits that are special:

Gives actual kisses with lip smack!

Goes to bed without a fuss, usually. 

Sucks his three fingers when tired or sick and rubs his blanket with pointer and thumb. 

Sings to his favorite songs on the radio 
(White Christmas, Roar, Safe and Sound)

Loves to dance (but you gotta take
Your socks off to join him)

Likes to pick lint from his toes. 

Loves his shoes. 

Current favorite shows:
Bubble Guppies
Team umi zoomi
Paw patrol
Henry hugglemonster  
Polar express movie

Favorite nursery rhymes:
Row row row your boat
The itsy bitsy spider
Twinkle twinkle little star

Hums the ABCs and knows most of the letters. 

Can count to 12 (sometimes forgets 7 or 9)

Likes to jump!

Johnny's most coveted item is a blanket that was made for him by my husbands aunts mother in law. It's plush and bright orange. He loves it and almost needs it to fall asleep. I think it's spectacularly adorable and love calling him my little Linus. 
So now I write to you, my son.

Johnny, today you are two. I want you to know there will never be another you. You have given me strength in my weakest of times. You have made decisions easier by me wanting whats ultimately best for you. I would turn down anything and I mean ANYTHING if you needed me. I know for certain the world will be a better place because you are in it. I believe you are my saving light. I never knew what being a mother would bring me, but one thing I always knew is that I would always and will always be here for you; In your brightest of times and in your darkest of times. You are that little glimpse of sunshine that peaks through after a storm. And your smile is the gateway to Heaven. 

When you kiss me with those adorable lips and give me that cunning smirk afterwards, the world completely stops and there is only you and I. When I hug you before bed and you wrap your arms around me and quickly exclaim, "night mommy!" while blowing a kiss. I know there is a God. There's no way I could explain in enough special words to you how honored and special it feels to be your mother. And my only dream is that for the rest of your life that you are able to see the beauty that I see in you. And that you really can reach for the stars. You really can have everything you dream of.  I will kiss you and hug you and love you until I physically can not. And even then, I will eternally embrace you. Forever. 

Happy birthday my Christmas blessing;
 my Johnny Boy. 

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